Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Take My Advice

This book is about a character that I made up online and expresses her opinions on topics in a funny spin on life some serious issues of today. Some of those issues are self-confidence, marriage, communication, and relationships to name a few. Hopefully I can help people with issues they have, if they read my book or find ways to live life more fun by laughing.This book is made to give advice to the young adults by uses this image of my avatar, Nix. Overall, the book is about Nix and her ideas of life and what experiences she had in life. Well, my experience I had, but I am using Nix face to express it, which is my face because I am Nix. This book is more of a dairy or memoirs, person’s thoughts, which is placed on paper. Of course, the character did not pop out of nowhere. The character came from chat room website, but the book is not about the chat rooms or websites, just her feeling on topics.

 More about Nix Luciano
 Hi, I am Nix . I am a video maker and producer on second life chat room website.  So I make movie and video for fun.  I was a student training at UEMA Academy to be certified model on SecondLife year 2011. I was a JCNY Collection Showcase Model. In Clothing there are some groups that I have join for free gifts. One of them are New Dawn in Nude Correction, it is a Formal Gown. The gown is nude with touch of green. It has one very long sleeve. The sleeve is flowy and wide. The dress is also flowy and wide. The name of the gown is :: PM :: New Dawn Gown -15000 Members Group Gift from Purple Moon Creations. The Nude Dawn Gown has a auburn feel to it. Now that it is fall the dress suit this time of year for scheduled balls or elegant events. In finding this dress as a gift i feel it was very reassuring that this group is a keeper, which is PurpleMoonCreations in Second Life.

  Currently 2017, I have a store in Secondlife it also has a book I wrote called Autobiography of Nix Luciano. This book is about me and what I have done on secondlife. I also have a store on Imvu chat room, Clothing products, furniture and cars and so on. I am planning to make all of this produce on secondlife. I am going to a product creating school on secondlife. I tried making a dance hud. You create a box and make it attach to your screen adding the dances, but that's how far I have gotten. I also tried making huds for clothing, but that is also hard so I have a lot to learn. I'm happy to start back writing to this blog. I will add what I have been doing on Secondlife and my opinion that I have on face book and in my real book Take My Advice. I haven't done much, but look around different clubs and stores. I also play games for lindens, which is the website money to purchase items or pay for rent for my store. My store is located in the linden coin hunt head quarters.

I am participating  in stuffpoints.com  Nov  4, 2017

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